Today through this blog we will tell you what is Backlink?, how to create Backlink, what is the power of Backlink and will give complete information about Backlink, you should read this blog completely and you will get very important information. Backlink is a type of link through which we can connect one webpage to other webpages.
Example: If a link to another website or webpage is placed on any page of a website, it is called a link. In simple language, it can also be called connectivity, which helps in reaching from one to another.
When we read a blog or article on a website, we must have noticed that somewhere in that article there is a link to some other page. The link on that website wants to tell us that you can get more information by clicking here by clicking here or Read More. The click on that link will be a video related to that website or it can be a product. Those links can be something like this: –
The website which has a lot of backlinks and quality backlinks, that webpage gets a good ranking from Google. The 1st position on the webpage given by Google indicates that the SEO of that website is very good, that website has created very good and high quality backlinks and also the DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) of that website is very good. To check DA, PA for free, click – DA, PA CHECKER TOOLS
How many types of backlinks are there?
There are mainly two types of Backlinks:
- Do Follow Backlinks
- No Follow Backlinks
These backlinks are divided into two categories and both the backlinks have their own different and special roles. We will read about this further.
1. Do Follow Backlinks
As you can understand from the name, Do Follow Backlinks means the link which we follow, Do Follow. If you click on a link and go to another webpage, it is called do follow backlink.
Do follow link juice gives a signal to the search engine and the ranking of that page starts increasing. This process will happen gradually, the ranking will not increase suddenly. You can give the signal of Do Follow Tag and No Follow Tag to the backlink as per your convenience.
To identify Do Follow Backlinks, right click on that link with the mouse, at last there will be an option of Inspect, click on it, if there is no rel=”No follow” then it will be a Do follow backlink.
The structure of Do follow Backlinks will be something like this:
Example – <a href=””>blue text</a>
2. No follow Backlinks
No Follow Backlink As the name suggests, Google does not follow this link, meaning that you can go to another webpage by clicking on the link of that webpage, but you will not get the link juice from Google. Because it has been given the signal of No Follow Backlink .
No Follow Backlink has no effect on Search Engine Ranking. But it is also necessary to create a No Follow Backlink from Google’s point of view because in the eyes of Google search engine, a No Follow Backlink makes a website natural. Creating only a Do Follow Backlink is considered spam by Google, so it is also necessary to create a No Follow Backlink.
The structure of No Follow Backlinks will be something like this:
Example – <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>blue text</a>
What is Link Juice? Know about Link Juice
Link juice is the standard term for increasing the readership and search engine indexing of an outbound link. When you link to another website from your website, that link contains link juice. The amount of link juice plays an important role in ranking, as it depends entirely on the readership or ranking of the link.
Link juice takes into account the important elements provided through links, including page popularity, external links, outbound links, website accessibility, etc. Link juice gives priority to the pages you link to.
Therefore, link juice is a means of increasing the quality and priority between websites and pages, so that the pages are given more importance by search engines.
Know how to create high quality backlinks
The backlinks received from the website whose DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) are good and high are called High Quality Backlinks. The score of DA and PA is out of 100. The website or web page with a higher score is considered a High Quality Backlink.
Some tips on how to create quality backlinks :
- All the backlinks received from pages whose domain authority and page authority are high quality.
- If you create any kind of backlink in the race of making backlinks, then that backlink will not be considered of any use. Instead of making 100 low quality backlinks, it is better to make 5 high quality backlinks whose domain authority and page authority are good.
- To create any backlink, first check its DA and PA. If the DA and PA are good, then only create a backlink. Try to get backlinks from websites that have higher DA and PA than your website.
- You should create backlinks according to your category or related to your topic so that your website is relevant, so that Google can understand it easily and your ranking can improve quickly.
- To create good backlinks, create your account on a well-known social media platform and create a profile from there and paste the link of your website or web page.
- Create backlinks from a website that has SSL installed. It is a secure website. Check HTTP and HTTPS at the start of the website.
How to avoid low quality backlinks?
When you write a blog for your website, then you should create backlinks related to the same category or topic for your backlink. When you create a backlink contrary to your topic or create a backlink from a spamming website such as
- Gambling
- Hacking
- 18+ Adult
And nudity etc. then that backlink of yours is called low quality backlink. Try not to create backlink from such spamming website, check it thoroughly before creating backlink so that your website is not harmed.