In the last part, you learned what is SEO ? How does it work? And how is a blog or website optimized according to the search engine? Taking this forward, today we will talk about On-Page SEO ( On Page Optimization in SEO ). That is, what is On Page SEO? How does it work? Which techniques are used in this? And how is the complete On-Page SEO of a blog or website done? So let’s know in detail.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is the first step to rank any post . If you have created thousands of backlinks in off-page SEO, but your on-page SEO is not correct, then you cannot rank your blog post even if you want to. However, in some cases, useless posts also rank, but not for long. Because users do not like to read such posts. That is why their rank falls soon.
You must know that Search Engines work on Algorithms. And these algorithms are constantly updated. For example, Google changes its Algorithm several times a year. And there are many factors behind this. But most of the changes are based on On-Page . Because when Google sends its Bots to index a website, they first look at the On-Page of the website.
Like what is your focus keyphrase ? What is the title? How many words are there in the title? Is the content user-friendly or not? What is the structure of the content (headings, paragraphs)? Keyword density , ALT tags and many more things come under On-Page. Google looks at all these things before indexing . And if all these things are correct, then only your post ranks on top.
That is why On-Page SEO of a website is very important. If you want to understand On-Page SEO Techniques in detail, then read this article completely. Because in this article I will tell you what is On-Page SEO? What is On-Page SEO? And what things should be kept in mind while doing On-Page SEO. So let’s know in detail.
What is On-Page SEO?
On-page SEO means organizing the pages and posts of your website according to search engines . That is, optimizing the content appearing on the website according to search engines. Actually, Google continuously develops and updates its search algorithms . You will be surprised to know that in 2021, Google conducted about 8,00,000 experiments. And updated the search algorithms more than 5,000 times.
However, despite Google’s continuous improvement, these algorithms do not work completely (100%) correctly. That is why Google keeps updating them continuously. And keeps trying to understand the content and improve the user experience . This is where On-Page SEO ( On-Page Search Engine Optimization ) begins.
On-Page SEO or On-Site SEO is a process of optimizing various back-end and front-end components of your website such as content, structure of posts, HTML tags, navigation menu, etc. according to search engines. Which helps to rank the website on SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
How does on-page SEO work?
Now the question is how does On-Page SEO work? So let’s understand this through an example. Suppose you have a website named ” SEOGuide “. Now the name of this website itself tells what this website is about. In such a situation, if you do On-Page SEO of this website! Then obviously you will mainly target SEO keywords. And you will also try to rank your website on this keyword.
And for this, you will definitely write the SEO keyword in your website’s Title, Tagline, Meta Description, Homepage, Blog Page and Categories etc. Also, you will definitely give place to this keyword in your posts. For example, if you write a blog post, “What is on page SEO?” then you will definitely include SEO related keywords in this post. Also, you will definitely include SEO related keywords in the post’s Title, Headings (H2, H3 etc.), Description, ALT Tags (Images), Post URL ( Permalink ) and Tags.
Now if Google’s Crawlers (Bots) crawl this post! Then they will easily know what your post is about? And how relevant it is? Actually, when you do On-Page in the right way! Then it becomes easy for Search Engines to understand your website. And they are able to rank it better.
Why is On-Page SEO important?
The question is why On-Page SEO is important? Through On-Page SEO or On-Site SEO, you make your blog or website easy to understand and rankable for search engines. That is, you provide information about your blog and content. So that search engines can understand your content better. And rank it at the right place. That is why On Page SEO is very important.
As I said, Google is constantly updating its search algorithm so that it can better understand the intent of a searcher and provide search results that meet his needs. But not only Google is responsible for this. Content creators like you and me are also responsible because as Google’s search algorithm gets updated, our website also needs optimization .
Therefore, a blogger should keep his website and its content optimized according to the latest algorithm practices of each search engine. So that not only Google but also other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and DuckDuckGo can understand your website and rank it at the right place. This will give your website better and quality traffic .
SEO For Marketing
SEO is one of the most common digital marketing strategies for business . These days it remains the cheapest, easiest and most reliable option for marketing. Because it provides the best ROI among all digital marketing strategies . In simple words, it provides the most long-term benefits at the lowest cost. This is the reason why SEO is the most popular medium of marketing in today’s time.
Almost half (50%) of the traffic on a website comes from search engines like Google and Bing . This means that about 40 to 50% of online revenue is generated from search traffic.
I would like to tell you that the search results that appear on the first page of Google get 91% of the traffic. And the keywords that appear in these top search results get about 32% of the traffic. Now you can understand yourself how important On-Page SEO is for a website. Perhaps, this is the reason why nowadays big businesses hire SEO agencies for their websites. So that they can take advantage of this opportunity.
Elements of On-Page SEO
There are some important elements of On-Page SEO, which are very important to know about. Because these are the key to On-Page SEO Strategy . That is why special attention has to be paid to them. I would like to tell you that On-Page SEO Elements are divided into 3 categories:-
Content Elements
It includes elements related to content (text, image, audio, video, code etc.). In this, you focus on creating high quality content . And optimize it according to search engines. So that it can reach as many people as possible. And search engines can know how important your website is for users.
Site Architecture Elements
It includes elements related to the architecture of the site . In this, you work on the structure of your website and webpages. That is, you optimize the layout, categories, sub-categories, navigation system, menus etc. of the site and webpages. It helps Google and other search engines to crawl easily.
Meta Elements
It includes elements related to MetaData . In this, you optimize the title, description, keywords, tags etc. You will find the meta data of each page in its HTML code. It especially includes the title tag and meta description of the page . It is used by search engines to index the page.
When you search a query on Google , the first thing you see in the search result is the Title Tag and Meta Description. That is, the title and brief description of the page that appears is actually the meta data of that page. This helps the search engine and users to know what your page is about. By optimizing the meta data of your web pages with good keywords and relevant content, you can achieve both high ranking and traffic.
How to do On-Page SEO
Now the question is how to do On-Page SEO of your website? And how to optimize your content so that it ranks on the top of SERP (Search Engine Results Page)? So for this you are being given an On Page SEO Check List . You will have to work on all the On-Page SEO Factors present in this On-Page SEO Check List :-
- High-Quality Page Content
- Page Titles
- Headers
- Meta Descriptions
- Image Alt-text
- Structured Markup
- Page URLs
- Internal Linking
- Mobile Responsiveness
- Site Speed
One rule of on-page SEO is that it reacts according to the content. That is, SEO works according to the content. That is why focus on your visitors. And write useful content that fulfills their needs ( Intent ). Only then can you take full advantage of On-Page SEO. Well, let’s know in detail how to optimize On Page SEO Elements ? On Page SEO Best Practices: –
1. High-Quality Page Content
High-quality page content is the heart of on-page SEO. It is the main asset of your blog or website. That is why first of all focus on your content. And prepare good, useful and quality content for your readers . Because high quality page content is the first condition of on-page SEO.
For this, always choose new, useful and evergreen topics. And along with content research, do keyword research and competitors keyword analysis . Also understand the intent and questions of users searching on Google. And try to answer them. Because, informative content written with proper research and keyword placement is the first choice of search engines.
How to optimize page content?
Well, there are some rules for creating high-quality page content, which you can include in your On Page SEO Strategy . These rules are as follows:-
- Create informative and useful content that clearly and accurately describes your page content.
- Include short-tail and long-tail keywords naturally in the content .
- Think about the keyphrases or queries that users would type to find your page. And make sure your page has those words. If not, include them.
- Write content that solves your users’ problems .
- Create content that people will share and want to link to.
- Help Google understand your website. Allow crawling of all site assets that affect page rendering. Such as high CSS and JavaScript
- Always create pages with users in mind, not search engines in mind.
- Don’t deceive your users.
- Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, attractive and special? And learn how to make your website stand out from others in your field.
Apart from this, Google has developed EAT ( Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) Update for websites and businesses ! In which detailed guidelines are given for creating and optimizing content. You can take help of this.
2. Page Titles
Page title is one of the most important On Page SEO factors . What is the content inside a page? This is known from the title tag of that page . That is, your visitors and search engines know from the page title what is inside a page? Or what information is given on what topic? That is why to rank your web pages on top, make sure that the title of each of your pages has the focus keyword or not? If not, then include it necessarily.
How to optimize page title?
Page title is the shortest description of a page. That is, it gives complete information about the content present inside the page in minimum words. That is why it is very important from the point of view of On-Page SEO. But some people do not pay attention to it. Well, to write a good and SEO friendly title, definitely follow the following SEO practices :-
- Always keep page titles within 60 characters . And try not to make any title longer than 60 characters. Because long titles do not display properly in search results. They get cut off.
- As far as possible, always start the title with the focus keyphrase .
- Do not stuff too many keywords in the titles. Because keyword stuffing not only makes the titles complex and meaningless! But it also creates obstacles for search engines to understand the content. So avoid keyword stuffing. Because modern search engines are very advanced and smart. They are designed to monitor (and penalize) content that is stuffed with keywords!
- Always keep titles relevant to the page content .
- Use numbers and attractive phrases in titles. Like Top-10 , 5 Best , Cheap etc.
- If your website represents a brand and it has a good presence, then definitely include your brand name in the title.
3. Headers
Headers, also known as body tags , work to organize the content. These are basically written as <h1>, <h2>, <h3> etc. They make your content easy to read and quickly accessible by dividing it into small sections and subsections . This not only makes it easier for readers but also helps search engines a lot. That is, search engines are able to show that part of the content which is most important and relevant according to user intent .
For example, if you search this article on Google with the keyword “What is on page SEO?” then Google will not show you the entire article. Rather it will take you directly to the “What is on page SEO?” section. Because according to Google only this part is the most important and relevant. Now just imagine what would have happened if this HTML tag was not there in this article? Obviously Google would have shown some other article instead, in which this tag was present.
How to optimize headers?
Perhaps from the above example you have understood well how important Headers or Body Tags are according to Search Engines? And how important it is to optimize them? But the question is how to optimize headers? How to optimize headers? Let’s see some SEO Practices :-
- Always include the main keyword (Focus Keyword) in the H1 tag ( Title Tag ).
- Keep important keywords related to the topic in H2 Tag . And keep the rest of the keywords in H3 and H4 Headings .
- As far as possible, do not use headers below H4 (i.e. H5 and H6 ). Use them only when absolutely necessary.
4. Meta Description
Meta description is a brief description of the page. Which contains information about the page. It appears below the title in search results. Although it is not an official ranking factor for search engines . But it affects your clicks. That is, the more attractive meta description you write! The more are the chances of getting clicks. Therefore, meta description has a very important role in on-page SEO.
Apart from this, when your content is shared on social media, its meta description can also be copied on social media. Structured markup can be used for this. Well, we will talk about it later. But due to meta description, the chances of users clicking on social media increases.
How to optimize meta description?
Now the question is how to optimize meta description? How to optimize meta description? Let’s understand pointwise:-
- Meta Description should not have more than 160 characters. Because only a maximum of 160 characters are visible in Google Snippet . If you use more characters than this, they will not be visible.
- Include not only the Focus Keyphrase but also the Related Keyword in the Meta Description .
- Use complete sentences in meta description . Do not leave any sentence incomplete.
- Avoid using alphanumeric and special characters in meta description.
5. Image ALT Text
Alt-Texts are very important for images . It not only gives information about the image but also acts as an alternative for the image. That is, when the image is not loaded, the Alternative Text (ALT-Text) appears instead of the image file. Apart from this, it is also read by Screen Reader Softwares. This is the only way for visually impaired people to understand the image. That is why it is very important to optimize Image ALT-Text .
Because search engines also know from ALT-Text what is inside the image? And what is its relation with the related page and content? As you all know that Google indexes images separately for image based results. And for this it takes the help of ALT-Text Data . That is, Google’s bots read the ALT-Text of the images. And index the image on that basis.
This means that users can also search your website through images. But for this you will have to write Alt Text for all the images present on your website. Also, they will have to do ALT-Text Optimization according to the search engine . Only then your images will appear on top.
How to optimize image alt-text?
Image ALT Text is one of the most important On Page SEO Techniques . While adding Alt-text for images, you should keep the following things in mind. On-Page SEO Best Practices For ALT Text:-
- The image should be related to your topic and page content. And the Alt Text should be descriptive and specific.
- Alt text should contain complete information about the image, what is inside the image? And what is its relation with the page and page content?
- Alt-Text should not contain more than 125 characters .
- Make sure to use keywords in Alt Text.
6. Structued Markup
Structured Markup or Structured Data is the process of marking up your website’s source code to make different elements of your content easier to find and understand. Structured Markup is the key to Featured Snippets , Knowledge Panels , and other content features you see when you search on Google.
Structured markup helps in understanding small elements of content and showing rich search results . It helps in understanding your website and webpages in detail. That is, it gives a lot of useful information about the page. Such as page type, author’s name, publisher’s name, time and date of publication, variants of products, price, rating etc.
Structured Markups Optimization
By optimizing structured markup data, you can show your pages in rich search results. And can get more space (in search results) and more traffic. But how? How to optimize structured markups? So for this you can adopt the following SEO Practice:-
- Add Schema Data to each page of the website . That is, tell search engines about the page whether it is a blog post, product page, news article or something else? So that Google can show your page to the right users.
- Please add the name (title) of each page, author’s name, publisher’s name, date and time of publishing, date and time of modification, etc.
- For the product page, do add the product name, variant (based on color, size etc.) and price.
7. Page URLs
Your page URLs should be short, clear and SEO-friendly . It should also be easy for both readers and search engines. Because when you create subpages or subfolders, sub-categories, blog posts and other types of internal pages! URLs play an important role in keeping your site hierarchy organized.
How to optimize Page URLs?
Here are some SEO practices to create SEO-friendly page URLs . You can improve your page URLs by following them:
- It is important to have Focus Keywords in the page URL. That is why you must include the Focus Keyphrase in the URL of every page.
- Do not use unnecessary, stop words and special characters in the page URL .
- Always write page URLs in English (Roman script).
- Always use HTTPS for URLs whenever possible because Google uses this as a positive ranking factor.
8. Internal Linking
I would like to tell you that Internal Linking is one of the most important steps of On-Page SEO. It helps Search Engines to understand the important pages of your website and their interrelationship. It also distributes link juice and value to new pages. In simple language, Internal Linking is a process of hyperlinking the internal pages of the website.
For example, suppose I want to link this page ( What is on page SEO? ). But only with pages related to SEO. Because this page is related to SEO. That’s why my old article What is SEO? will be most suitable for this. Because the category and subject matter of both is the same. That’s why I will link this page only with the What is SEO? page.
If the internal pages of the site are linked correctly, then it can be very beneficial for a website. Because it helps in keeping your readers engaged for a long time. It also helps in reducing the bounce rate . In this way, it tells Google how helpful and useful your site is for many users.
Internal Linking Optimization
Internal linking does not mean just adding links of other articles between articles . Rather it is a strategy to link pages on the basis of rank and value . That is why keep the following things in mind during internal linking:-
- Internally link only pages that are in the same category . Do not link pages that have nothing to do with each other.
- Link the most important pages at the top. Then link the less valuable pages in the middle, and the least valuable pages at the bottom.
- The structure of internal linking should be such that all the pages can be accessed easily.
9. Mobile Responsiveness
As you all know that nowadays most of the people use internet through mobile. And the largest number is also of mobile internet users . That is why Google gives special priority to those websites which are optimized to open and run fast on mobile. Also for desktop search.
Since mobile responsiveness matters a lot nowadays, Web Hosting , Site Design, Theme, Layout and Content Management Services (CMS) should also be chosen keeping mobile in mind. They should support mobile devices well. Although this is a part of Technical SEO , it also plays an important role in On-Page SEO.
On-Page Optimization For Mobile
If you want to optimize your website for mobile, you can use Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool and make your website’s layout responsive and mobile friendly . Apart from this, you can try the following SEO practices:-
- Use a good AMP Tool for your website .
- Create a Custom AMP Version or Mobile Version for each page . Which does not contain heavy elements .
- Don’t include elements in the AMP version that may not display properly on mobile.
- Your AMP pages should be fast, lightweight and load quickly.
10. Site Speed
Although Site Speed is also a part of Technical SEO. But it is also very important from the point of view of On-Site SEO. Whether your website is being viewed on mobile or desktop! It should be able to load quickly. PageSpeed matters a lot in On-Page Optimization in SEO .
Because Google cares about user experience first. That is why if your website loads slowly, it is possible that your website gets less traffic and the bounce rate increases. Apart from this, the speed of the site also affects conversions and ROI .
How to optimize site speed?
You can test the speed of your website with the help of Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool . And you can find out which pages are slow and why? That is, Google will tell you in detail about those elements, which are making your website slow. You can remove, reduce or optimize these elements. We will soon publish an article on this topic, in which we will only talk about the ways to increase PageSpeed .
On-Page SEO : FAQ’s
Q1. What is On-Page SEO?
A: On-Page SEO or On-Site SEO is a process of optimizing webpages to increase a website’s search engine ranking ( SERP Ranking ) and earn organic traffic .
Q2. Why is On-Page SEO important?
A: On-page SEO helps search engines to understand your website and its content. It also helps the website to get higher ranking and organic traffic. That is why On-Page SEO is very important for a website.
Q3. What is the difference between On-Page SEO Vs Off-Page SEO?
A: On-Page SEO refers to the ranking factors that you control on your website. That is, the optimization you do on your website is on-page SEO. Such as writing page title, creating URL etc. Whereas off-page SEO is the optimization done beyond your website (other website). Such as doing guest posting, taking backlinks etc.
Q4. How can I improve my OnPage SEO?
A: You can improve your OnPage SEO through the following SEO Practices :-
- Always write useful, unique and informative content. And optimize it according to search engines.
- Use short, descriptive and SEO friendly page URLs.
- Create custom Title Tags.
- Write attractive Meta Description.
- Customize headers.
- Use Target Keyword.
- Use the Target keyword in the first 100 words.
- The title should not be longer than 60 characters.
- Keep Meta Description less than 160 characters.
- Do proper internal linking.
Q5. How long does it take for Google to rank your page ?
A : There is no exact answer to this. Because it can take Google from a few hours to months to rank your page. Actually, there are many ranking factors behind this , which help in ranking your content. These include factors like content quality, on-page SEO, site speed and mobile usability. So if you want to rank your website quickly! Then write new, unique and controversial content. And do its on-page SEO properly.
On-Page SEO : Summary
Overall, On-Page SEO or On-Site SEO is very important for a website. It directly affects the ranking and traffic of the website. That is why those people ( Bloggers , SEOs , Businesses) who want to see their website on the first page of Google! They must do On-Site SEO of their website. In this post, I have given detailed information about On-Site SEO. Also, I have explained how to do On Page SEO? But this was just a basic introduction.
Actually, on-page SEO or on-site SEO is a very broad topic. Which includes many ranking factors. Here you have learned about only some basic and important ranking factors. But in the upcoming articles, you will learn about each factor of on-site SEO in detail. That’s why if you want to understand each factor of on-site SEO in detail! So subscribe to the website. So that whenever we start the on-page SEO series, you will get notifications.
Hopefully, through this article you have got useful information about What is On Page SEO? And how to do it from on-page?. If you liked this article, then like and share it. And subscribe to the website for every information related to SEO and Blogging. So that whenever we publish a new article, you get the information.