    HomeTech News and UpdatesThe Best 6 Free Python Online Courses to Help You Grow in...

    The Best 6 Free Python Online Courses to Help You Grow in Your Career

    Why not pick up One of the most versatile programming languages, Python is widely suggested as the best one to begin a programming career. The Top 6 Free Python Online Coursese. Python is an ever-growing language that has been around for almost 30 years and has a plethora of applications, including the latest advances in data science and machine learning.

    Python is the main programming language used by data scientists; it makes it possible to manipulate data to help make crucial business decisions. This has created an unparalleled need for Python-fluent Data Scientists.

    Programming’s Power

    In the information age, having proficiency with automation and data manipulation can greatly boost your value within a company. Knowing Python improves the way your resume looks and gives you access to a wide range of interesting projects where you could be useful. Python has helped many advance their careers in robotics, software engineering, finance, consulting, and research.

    Ability to Order

    Data scientists utilize Python for both work-related and personal needs. It is used to build internal infrastructure and a variety of intranet APIs at work. Because of its enormous versatility, Python is the chosen language for coding use cases such as robots, web scraping, REST APIs, and programming for smart homes. Whatever the application, learning Python will be a wise investment in your professional and personal development as a programmer.

    The Top 6 Free Python Online Courses

    1. Python and Data Science  The News from the World of Technology (top overall)

    Websites bring together a multinational student body, prominent industry professors, and captivating real-world projects to create an unmatched learning environment. In a two-week course, they lead you through using Python to your data science career, supporting you every step of the way. This is recommended for those eager to dive in and maximize their two-week adventure.

    2. Python MOOC programming (very good for theory)

    There is an online course available from the University of Helsinki that includes both textual and video elements. This course is an excellent introduction to Python theory, akin to enrolling in an undergraduate CS 101 course. You can also choose to transfer your credits to your local university after finishing the course!

    3. Harvard CS50: An Introduction to Python Programming (fit for learners who can dedicate a significant amount of time)

    The partnership between Harvard and EdX, which makes this course and many more accessible via it, is a big step in the direction of democratizing its esteemed educational offerings. In addition to writing and understanding code, one can also learn how to test and “debug” it. Regardless of past programming experience, this course is intended for students who wish to study Python especially in a context inspired by real-world Python challenges.

    4. The best resource for self-directed adventure learning is Futurecoder.

    With its integrated debuggers, enhanced tracebacks, exercise instructions, and other features, this engaging and interactive web application is open-sourced and allows you to learn Python quickly. The long-term goals of this group are very high: they want to transform computing education and offer the best learning tools available, which anybody may improve and add to. It also doesn’t hurt that their entire website exudes an aura of intergalactic travel.

    5. Foundations of Data Science with a Python and SQL Specialization (suitable for self-paced learning)

    In partnership with IBM, Coursera is providing this free, asynchronous course on using Python to start a career in data science. The specialty consists of five self-paced online courses that will give you the foundational knowledge required for data science. Coursera provides hands-on experience with real-world data sets and is an excellent educational resource if you are driven enough to complete it on your own.

    6. 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp (great to bookmark and refer to)

    This course is not free, despite a significant $14.99 USD discount being offered on Udemy’s website. For this price, you will get 56 hours of video content spanning everything from web programming to data science. The structure of the course is similar to that of the 100 Days of Coding Challenge, although it does require you to dedicate 8–12 hours per day. Most likely, you’ll use it more as a useful reference for specific Python modules that you want to learn.



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