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    Tips for Bloggers: Know important tips for a good blog, bring traffic in this way

    Grow Traffic On Blog: If your content is not good then users will not visit your blog again. Therefore, before writing the content, do complete research on the topic and collect as much data as possible.

    How To Write Blogs For Websites: Blogging is a great way to earn money online from home. If you too want to earn money online, then blogging can be a better career option for you. If you want to earn money from blogging, then the most important thing is to choose the right topic and increase traffic on the blog. We will tell you the ways by which you can bring more traffic to your blog as quickly as possible and start earning online from it.

    Write blogs on the right topic

    To earn money from blogs, it is important that you choose the right topic and write blogs on it. For example, in today’s time, most searches in India are done about jobs and career. There are very high search topics like government jobs, government jobs in Google and they get at least 100k -10M views. At the same time, topics like health, ways to earn money, food, lifestyle, motivation are also very popular. You can start your blog on these topics.

    Make a friendly design

    At the beginning of any blog, it is most important for us to create a professional looking blog design. You may not know that a person first judges anything by its looks, and professional bloggers know this very well. It has also been told in a study that 38% of visitors leave a blog without reading it because its design is not good. That is why make your blog user friendly.

    Make good keywords

    After blog design, keep in mind that you do complete keyword research on the topic on which you want to write a post. Because if no one searches the topic on which you are going to write a post, then all your hard work will go in vain and forget about traffic. To do keyword research, search the topic on Google yourself and see the posts related to it. Google search suggestions also help you in searching keywords. Use free keyword research tools like keyword planner and Ubersuggest. Select only those keywords which have high search value but minimum competition. High quality content It is important to have high quality content to increase traffic on the blog. If you want to leave your competitor behind, then you have to keep your content good. Bounce rate and returning users are very important for the ranking of the blog. The more users visit your blog again, the message goes to Google that this blog has good content. Avoid writing long paragraphs in the content and write the content in short paragraphs. Give correct and complete information in the content. Write the content exactly as we explain to someone face to face. 

    Properly In today’s time, traffic is not only on Google, but there are many other platforms where crores of people visit every day. Which we call social media. Today, crores of people visit social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter every day. In such a situation, you have to pay attention to these social media as well. To bring traffic from social media, create a page related to your blog here. Start posting daily on the page, so that people will start visiting your page. Do share every post of your blog on these pages. Find people related to the topic of your blog and answer all their questions. Do add the link of the blog on social media profiles and pages.



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