    HomeBlogging TipsWhat is a keyword? What is its use in blogging and SEO?

    What is a keyword? What is its use in blogging and SEO?

    What is a keyword? What is its use in blogging and SEO ? How many types of keywords are there in SEO? How are they used in blog posts? Often many such questions are asked by new bloggers.

    To become a successful blogger, we have to learn Search Engine Optimization i.e. SEO because only through this we can rank our blog on search engines like Google.

    Keywords have special importance in SEO, so it is important for every blogger to know about it. Today we are going to talk about what is keyword and what is its use.

    What is Keyword?

    If we talk in simple language, keyword in Hindi means seed word . If we talk in the context of SEO and Blogging , keyword is the word or phrase that we write in the search engine to search for information on the internet.

    For example, if you want to know about a website then how will you find it on the internet?

    You will search on Google by typing “what is a website?” Here “what is a website?” is a keyword.

    If you are a new blogger, then you have to write articles on these keywords so that people can come to your blog by searching on Google and this increases the traffic of your blog.

    Why is Keyword very important in SEO?

    If you want traffic in your blog or website, then you have to optimize your content for search engines so that it ranks on search engines like Google, Bing. This process is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

    Keywords play a very important role in SEO. While writing an article, you have to target those keywords on which you want to rank that article on Google.

    If you do not take care of keywords and do not use them properly, then the chances of your blog post getting ranked on search engines will be reduced. And that post will not reach the audience and you will not get traffic from search engines.

    How many types of keywords are there in SEO? Types of Keyword in SEO

    Well, there can be many types of keywords in SEO according to which we can optimize the content of our blog.

    But there are mainly two types of keywords which we will talk about today:

    • Short-Tail Keywords
    • Long-Tail Keywords

    Let us understand these in detail:

    1.Short-Tail Keywords

    These are keywords made up of one or two words which can be very common keywords. Such as: Flower, Dog image, PC games etc. These are very less specific.

    People search for these types of keywords a lot on Google and if your website gets ranked on these keywords then you can get a lot of traffic.

    But ranking on such keywords is not an easy task because there is a lot of competition on these. So if you are a new blogger or your website is new then you should focus on long-tail keywords instead of short-tail keywords.

    2.Long-Tail Keywords

    Keywords that have 4 or more words fall under the category of long-tail keywords. There is less competition in such keywords as compared to short-tail and by using them properly, you can rank your blog post on Google.

    For example, “action games for pc free download” is a long-tail keyword which is a less competitive keyword than “PC games”.

    It is very easy to find long-tail keywords. Just enter any main keyword on Google and press space and you will get many keyword suggestions.

    New bloggers should find such keywords before writing a blog post and use them properly in their article, for this they should know what On-Page SEO is.

    How to do Keyword Research for a blog?

    Before writing an article on any topic, you have to find the keywords related to it, this is called keyword research.

    While doing keyword research, we have to pay attention to two main points:

    • What is the search volume of the keyword?
    • How much is the keyword competition?

    The monthly search volume of a keyword shows how popular it is and how much people search for it. Keyword competition shows how difficult or easy it is to rank your article on that keyword.

    For this work you need keyword research tools, the names of some of these tools are as follows:

    • Google Keyword Planner
    • Ubersuggest
    • SEMRush
    • Ahref

    There are many other tools like this, some are available for free and some are paid tools. With the help of these tools, you can easily do keyword research.

    How to use keywords in a blog?

    After finding the target keywords for your article, next comes the turn of keyword placement; you need to write these keywords at the right places inside the blog post.

    Do keyword placement like this:

    • Write keyword in the title of the post
    • Use keywords in the first paragraph
    • Insert keywords in headings and subheadings
    • Use this in the alt attribute of the image
    • You can use it in the description of the post.

    By keeping these points in mind, you can write a great SEO optimized blog post. To understand this in detail, you must read our article What is On-Page SEO? How to do it?

    What is Focus Keyword?

    The main keywords for which we optimize our posts are called focus keywords or target keywords. We can use more than one focus keyword in a blog post.

    If your post is long then you can target many keywords in it and rank the same post for different keywords on the search engine and increase the traffic of your blog.

    What is Keyword Density?

    The percentage of times a keyword is written in a post or web page is called keyword density or keyword frequency in SEO language.

    It is easy to calculate it, its formula is like this:

    Keyword density = Number of times a keyword is used / Total number of words

    For this you can also use online tool.

    Now this question must be coming in your mind that what should be the keyword density for better SEO? So let us tell you that nothing like this has been determined by Google.

    You don’t need to worry about this. To be honest, you don’t need to calculate keyword density. But this doesn’t mean that you should overuse a keyword.

    What is Keyword Stuffing?

    Using the same keyword repeatedly and more than necessary is called keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing affects your SEO and in the eyes of Google it is no less than a sin. 😀

    This also causes trouble to the reader and he closes the site and goes somewhere else. This means that it also has a negative effect on the user experience. Therefore, whenever you write an article, your keyword placement should be natural. Avoid using keywords forcefully.

    Conclusion :-

    Simply put, if you want to get traffic from search engines, you will have to use the power of keywords correctly. If you are a new blogger, you should first find low competition keywords and write posts on them. You should focus more on long-tail keywords. If your blog ranks on these keywords, then the chances of ranking on short-tail keywords also increase.



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